OWP Data Portal – Global Refugees Status Website For UNHCR

Client and project information
UNHCR, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, also known as the UN Refugee Agency, is a United Nations programme with the mandate to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people, and assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country.

OWP Data Portal – Global refugees status website
Global refugees status website, the site is meant to be used both by general public and UNHCR staff. General public uses the website as a source of recent information regarding not only the status of the refugees crisis and the most recent available statistics, but also for overview of news, relevant URLs, attractive visualizations and more. With an easy to use sharing mechanism, you’re able to share particular content or even entire webpages on social media.

Solution – All the relevant information at your disposal
The site features over 40,000 relevant refugees information contents of various types, half of which are documents created by authorized users including, but not limited to, pdf reports, excel spreadsheets, word documents and various image types. All content is indexed and searchable including actual documents content (pdf text content) with a clever combination of Apache Tika to extract the actual documents content and Elasticsearch to index that content.

Conclusion – Information handling in minutes
Since, unfortunately, refugee crisis around the world are a dynamic entity, we developed a system that is equally dynamic allowing the content itself to be tagged with arbitrary tags that are used in frontend as a grouping mechanism to display all relevant information pertained within one situation, location or country.

Check out our case study of this project.